Running time about 2hour 45min
Directed by James Cameron
MPAA: PG-13 for intense epic battle sequences and warfare, sensuality, language and some smoking.
Sex/Nudity - 6 - We see two aliens getting it on, I mean we don’t see the thrusting and moaning, but there is a wide angled shot of the female straddling the guy “hugging”, but by the looks on their faces it’s not just a passionate hug. Plus all the aliens, who are very humanoid, run around in thongs, the females not wearing anything on top except conveniently placed necklaces. It is not as bad as it sounds but you still get the point.
Profanity – about 30 or so profanities, “S”-word, religious exclamations ect, one or two “B”-words, no F words.
Violence/Gore – Lots of people get shot with arrows, a few alien animals get stabbed with knives both in hunting and in combat. There are a lot of explosions, people, aliens, and alien animals all getting shot and shot at. Very little blood at all surprisingly.
If you liked Avatar check out Terminator Salvation (I enjoyed it), GI Joe (worst film of the year), Aliens (a James Cameron Classic), Lord of the Rings, and the newest Star Wars (Episodes 1 through 3 all of which I think are terrible films).
We waited in line for an hour for the sold out evening showing of Avatar. I had heard so much about the movie I convinced my wife to come with me to go see it in 3D. We got the best seat in the house, middle of the isle, middle of the theater. I was excited. The last thing I saw in 3D was the Bug’s Life ride in Disney World. I put on my glasses and was blown away by just the previews. Alice in Wonderland 3D looks like a winner!

Avatar however was not a winner in my book. Mechanically it was amazing. I would give it 8 out of 10 in its visual beauty. The Pandora world the humans were visiting was amazing. The script was decent, the graphics were phenomenal, the acting was good (even the computer generated aliens acted well…as well as can be expected), and even the plot was well put together. However I was sorely disappointed in the message of the film and so I can only give it a 6 out of 10.
I loved watching this movie in 3D. There was so much to look at. The scenery was beautiful; floating mountains with waterfalls that trailed off into mist, thousand foot tall trees, man sized leaves, helicopter winged bugs, everything was so picturesque. Then of course there were the gunships, the machine armored robots, the 3D computers, all this amazing technology used to create a world of metal vs. a world of natural plants and animals. My wife said it was like if Lord of the Rings and Jurassic Park had a baby, and that baby hooked up Aliens, and their off-spring got with Pocahontas (this was my addition), the result would be Avatar.
The problem was we saw was 3 hours of Cowboys vs. Indians. Of course in our politically correct and enlightened world we live in today the Indians (aliens) are not the savages, no they are the ones who understand nature and can talk to their planet and live with and love even the most dangerous of animals.
Contrast this lifestyle with the evil cowboys (the humans). They only want to ravage the world and destroy nature so they can suck precious stones from the earth. Only the enlightened scientists want to do good for the aliens. The rest of the humans are psychotic mercenaries who only want to strip the planet of its natural recourses.

There were too many political statements for me to really enjoy the movie. While I had fun watching all the cool 3D special effects, I kept wishing I was watching a different movie. I couldn’t connect to the characters because I felt like I was watching a political advertisement for liberal propaganda.
Most of you will watch the movie and say, “what is the guy talking about? This movie is awesome, I wish I could do that.” And that is great, go enjoy it. While you are doing that I am going to go watch Aliens and Terminator 2, James Cameron’s truly great films.
Sounds about right, but I'd have to say that was a PRETTY STINKIN AWESOME FILM! Man I loved it!It was sooooo good.I would have to say that overall really awesome movie but I would have liked it if like yes they wore a little bit more especially the real humans like when they are trying to heal Grace it's like why did she even bother with the little leaves and stuff I mean couldn't you have just worn clothes! But now I wanna go again and see it for the second time in 3D. I want Nik to take me also (it would be his 4th time!) Love you!