Terminator: Salvation
Director: MCG (interesting name…?)
Starring: Christian Bale and Sam Worthington
MPAA: Rated PG-13 for intense sequences of sci-fi violence and action, and language.
This movie was our second blu-ray pick to test out our new system. My wife and I enjoyed this popcorn flick when we saw it in the theater and I was in the mood for an action film. It was just what I wanted, special effects ridden, and violent sci-fi/post apocalyptic thriller. This was a juicy little snack on a baby stegosaurus, about a 6.5 out of 10. A lot of you movie munchers out there may disagree but I liked this summer action flick.
There really is nothing to scream about in this movie. It was just fun to watch.
The machine’s technology was pretty much ripped off of transformers. They had motorcycles that popped out of giant walking robots that chased the good guys as they were driving away at top speeds on their decaying tow trucks. There were giant claws that grabbed humans out of buildings and put them in cattle cars for shipping to the machine’s plant. These giant mechanical beasts were pretty stupid, and we had pretty much already seen them in Transformers, I could have definitely done without them.

However I did enjoy all the gunfights and the classic face off between the humans and the terminators. Christian Bale was a great John Conner. He kind of has the grungy, underdog, leader attitude. He was fun to watch, though sometimes with his American accent he gets really gruff and hard to understand, and he yells a lot. Sam Worthington couldn’t really decide what accent he was going with, for a while it was American and then at a moment of intensity there was some English accent slipping through there. At the end of the film he was switching back and forth a lot more too.
There were quite a few scene changes where the cutting felt pretty awkward. I couldn’t quite tell if the next scene was later that night, or the next day, it was just a little choppy. What I enjoyed were the gun fights and the show down between John Conner and the terminator. The overall film was not brilliantly done at all, and very much like the first two movies (except with a lot better cinematography).

I guess this film is a onetime watch for those Terminator buffs. I couldn’t stand T-3, but T-2 was amazing, and this flows right along with the rest of the Terminator series. Watch it if you are in the mood for a good sci-fi action flick, but if you are looking for a meaty, well done film, then this is not what you want to watch.
Sex/Nudity – 3 out of 10 - None… you see the shadow of a naked terminator, bare chest and bare legs. You also see the shadow of a man covered in mud and he might be naked, but he is so covered in mud it is hard to tell. No sex or sexual situations of any kind. But three guys surround a woman with the intension of raping her but they are stopped.
Violence/Gore – One woman is surrounded by three guys, it is assumed they want to rape her, she beats them up and another guy come to help her out as well. There is a lot of fist fighting and punching. One guy is thrown around a lot, taking some bone crunching hits. There is a lot of machine gun fire and some people are hit. One guy gets dragged under water by a machine and all you see is blood rising to the surface. People get cuts, bruises, one guy gets stabbed. The gore however is pretty mild. There is very little splashing blood or anything at all. Even the stab wound is pretty clean.
Profanity – There is one “F” word but unless subtitles are on you can’t even tell what the person says. There are two or three other mild expletives, but for the most part the swearing is pretty limited.