Wednesday, February 10, 2010

It's Complicated

It’s Complicated

Director: Nancy Myers

Starring: Meryl Streep, Alec Baldwin, Steve Martin and John Krasinski

MPAA: Rated R for some drug content and sexuality.(This movie was more tame than some PG and PG-13 movies)

We loved Away We Go so much that we just had to go see another flick with John Krasinski and the only one we knew of was It’s Complicated. So my wife and I headed over to the dollar theater and soon we found ourselves rolling on the floor in hysterics throughout this Nancy Myers hit. This is one of those main stream films that is so excellent one is astounded by it. Yes there are some cookie cutter elements to this movie that are expected in all romantic comedies, but what is so great about It’s Complicated is that it is done so well that you can overlook the little flaws, if there are any, and just soak up the movie.

Nancy Meyers is the genius (writer and director) behind masterpieces like The Holiday and Something’s Got To Give, she also directed the Mel Gibson & Helen Hunt hit What Women Want. Well the talent that made those films so good really comes out in this one, and makes it a winner. It’s Complicated gets somewhere between an 8 to an 8.5 out of 10. It is a fantastic film that comes off almost flawlessly. This is also one of those “R” rated films with no “F” words (or any other swear words) no bare breasts, and really no reason to be “R” at all.

This movie falls into the classic romantic comedy genre, but is a little different mainly because it is about adults in adult relationships. The story is about Meryl Streep's character who is finally getting over her ten year old divorce, when after an evening of drinks and dancing she finds herself in bed with her ex-husband Alec Baldwin. He is having troubles at home with the new trophy wife and finds comfort in the arms of his familiar old wife. During their affair Meryl Streep’s character finds herself attracted to her architect, the “girl’s best friend” type Steve Martin. Between sorting out her feelings for both men and trying to hide her affair from her grown children, this situational comedy delivers laugh after laugh, with a good piece of drama in there too balancing out the comedic highs.

John Krasinski’s small role as the oldest daughter’s fiancé is hilarious. He gets caught in the middle of the deceit and plays a hilarious confidante type. He is the basic “Jim” from the office, but that is what makes him so fun. Meryl Streep is gorgeous at 60 and as funny as ever. She is truly an acting legend and she does not disappoint in this film. Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin are each fantastic actors and carry their roles flawlessly. They have such great comedic timing and are absolutely a riot; they really make it a hard decision (as love interests) to choose between, both for the audience and for Meryl Streep’s character. The top notch cast of great actors really helped pull this movie off. It couldn’t have made it without them. It would have been good, but not a great film.

The family side of this movie was great too. It is nice to see a film where there is more than one child, and the kids are not all screwed up. They are normal kids and as an audience we can really connect with them and their situation. On one hand you want the family to be back together again, on the other hand you want the other love interest to succeed. The love triangle is funny and sad, and well…complicated.

For anyone who liked What Women Want and Something’s Got To Give then It’s Complicated is right up your alley. My wife and I and the old ladies behind us in the theater were all busting a gut because it was so funny. It is also a sweet movie about a family, and the elements of comedy and drama make this a very satisfying film. The Flicks-a-saurus Rex calls this flick a great meal complete with appetizers and dessert. YUMMY!

Sex/Nudity – 6 out of 10 - There is some sexual dialogue in the film. We see a man lying naked on a bed with a lap top placed in front his groin (it covers from his belly button to about mid thigh). When he gets up we see his bare buttocks. We see a woman slip off her robe and she is seen from the shoulders up, and a man is shown shirtless a few times. There are a few scenes where a couple is shown lying in bed after intercourse, in one scene they are still in their clothes (the woman’s top is
open and we can see her bra) and in another scene they are under the blankets. We also see a woman in the bathtub but only her shoulders are visible.

Violence/Gore – 0 –

Profanity – 4 out of 10 - 10 or so religious exclamations and about 10 other swear words “S”, “A”, and a few other profanities. Some PG movies have more swearing.

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